Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982


Between Feb. 16th to 20th 2020, JORDAO once again at EUROSHOP 2020 - World’s N.1 Retail Show.
  • EUROSHOP 2020
  • Nova vitrina para talho & charcutaria COLUMBUS | New butchery and churcuterie COLUMBUS serve-over counters
  • Nova vitrina para talho & charcutaria COLUMBUS | New butchery and churcuterie COLUMBUS serve-over counters
  • Nova vitrina para talho & charcutaria COLUMBUS e retro-mural | New butchery and churcuterie COLUMBUS serve-over counters and rear service cabinet.
  • Nova linha de murais FUTURO refrigerado, para conservação de congelados e fruteiro | New FUTURO multideck line chilled, frezzer and fresh produce.
  • Novo mural FUTURO versão fruteiro com cortina automática | New FUTURO multideck fresh produce model with eletric night blind
  • Novo expostior panoramico 360 de alta performance EXPO BZ | New panoramic merchandiser 360 of high performance EXPO BZ
  • Nova solução para o comércio eletrónico Click & Collect | New Click & Collect e-commerce solution.
  • Nova solução para o comércio eletrónico Click & Collect | New Click & Collect e-commerce solution.
  • Linha de semiverticais FUTURO com portas frontais para maior poupança de energia | FUTURO semi-verticals with front doors for better energy savings
  • Linha de semiverticais FUTURO com portas frontais para maior poupança de energia | FUTURO semi-verticals with front doors for better energy savings
  • Conceito ilha alimentar 360 com a nova linha de vitrinas DAISY SLIM, FRESCO Combi e expositor aquecido VISTA SLIM | 360 food corner concept with new DAISY SLIM, FRESCO Combi and heated grab'n'go VISTA
  • Detalhe do canto para exposição e serviço de frutas com suporte rotativo | Detail of the corner for exhibition and fruit service with rotating support
  • Expositor 2 em 1 FRESCO Combi e vitrina VISTA SLIM GRAB'N'GO aquecida | 2 in 1 FRESCO Combi display and VISTA GRAB'N'GO heated display case
We would like to thank all those who visited us during the event, for the time spent being proudly grateful for your comments, which motivate us to continuously improve and innovate.

We are totally available for any further clarification, do not hesitate to contact us by email

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  • FUTURO 2

    FUTURO 2 semi-verticals, the specialist solution for self-service. The line is available in refrigerated models, with...