Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982

Organic retail

Amazing product presentation in a newly opened Organic Food supermarket.
  • Organic retail
  • Vitrinas refrigeradas e balcão para preparação de piza DAISY da JORDÃO | JORDAO's DAISY chilled serve-over counters and piza preparation counters
  • Linha de vitrinas DAISY na seção de gastronomica | DAIYS serve-over counters at gastronomy section.
  • Linha de vitrinas DAISY na seção de queijos | DAISY display cases at the cheese section.
  • Linha de murais FUTURO 2 para produtos embalados refrigerados e congelados | FUTURO 2 multidecks for chilled and frozend packaged products
  • Entrada da loja
  • Canto especial DAISY refrigerado para autosserviço de frutas e legumes à esquerda e murais FUTURO 2 para exposição de bebidas e vinhos | Special DAISY corner for produce and FUTURO 2 multideck
  • Murais FUTURO 2 refrigerados para alimentos embalados | FUTURO 2 multidecks for chilled packaged goods.
  • Murais FUTURO 2 para frutas e legumes | FUTURO 2 multidecks for fresh produce

A reference supermarket of organic products chooses JORDAO's solutions to promote its wide range of organic food products. And to provide an excellent shopping experience to its customers.

A sustainable project in which our DAISY display cases range - pizza preparation counters, refrigerated serve-over counters with 3 display levels for greater capacity, salad and heated counters - is perfectly integrated into the different sections of the store, either for assisted service or for grab & go.

  • Unique and dazzling shops
  • Complete solutions from A-Z, for all types of food
  • Greater promotion and visibility, that products deserve
  • High-performance and low consumption equipment


Also mention-worthy the energy-saving FUTURO 2 multidecks which in the fruit & vegetables, wine, chilled and frozen packaged products sections, give the best visibility to food products while helping to reduce the shop's carbon footprint.

Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the project of this amazing store, best wishes for your success!

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