Parque Industrial - Pavilhão E1 4805-661 Braga Guimarães, Portugal
253470700 +351 253 470 750 JORDAO
José Júlio Jordão
15 de junho de 1982

Proximity Retailing

The best shopping experience and operational efficiency are the focus of JORDAO solutions.
  • Proximity Retailing
  • Mural | Multideck FUTURO 2 - JORDAO
  • Mural | Multideck FUTURO 2 - JORDAO
  • Murais | Multidecks  FUTURO 2 - JORDAO
  • Semivertical | Semi-vertical DAISY - JORDAO
  • Murais | Multidecks FUTURO 2 - JORDAO
  • Semivertical aquecido | Heated semi-vertical DAISY - JORDAO
A new proximity store that exemplifies what we do best: making shopping experiences enjoyable moments and in-store operations more agile and efficient. From meat to fish, fruit and vegetables to take-away, food products get excellent visibility and are within easy reach, with maximum food safety and hygiene.

If you think we can contribute to the success of your business, don't hesitate to contact us.

We love challenges, whether supermarkets, ice cream shops, cafés or small businesses. They can all be unique!

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